Category: Transmission Line Transformers

  • Transmission Line Transformer Testing

    Transmission Line Transformer Testing

    Jerry Sevick, W2FMI (SK) called this the “Soak Test.” He used it to run real power through the TLT network to check efficiency. It’s a pretty simple test whereby you simply run significant power through the TLTs and measure the temperature rise in the cores. If they get hot, they are not as efficient as…

  • TLT Design and Testing

    TLT Design and Testing

    Cold Rainy Saturday here today so I decided to experiment with some TLT designs and ideas. Stripped the TLTs off my old standby pallet, a 2 x BLF188 and went to work. You can design TLTs using the math, but trust me, this only gets you in the ballpark – a starting point if you…